April 14, 2010

Maroon Velvet Rose Hantaran

As I've promised, this is the posting for the Maroon Velvet Rose hantaran theme. Am soo... sorry for the delay! They were already in my drafts posting but due to an earlier life 'hiccup', so now here they are for your eyes only :)

These were the other half of the
Twenty Four(24) pahar in total made for one occasion, an Akad Nikah ceremony in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. You can read my other posting for the other half in the Lilac White Orchid hantaran theme posted earlier. As I've mentioned earlier, I did not make the alas pahar for both sets of hantaran as there were time constraints. Had to be contented with these rented alas pahar, I wished otherwise :(

* Eleven plus one pahar, the Sirih Junjung

* The Sirih Junjung

* The Mas Kahwin made into a flower bouquet ~It was my 1st attempt making these! How did I rate? :)

* The Wedding Dowry@ Duit Hantaran with Bunga Rampai in mini crystal bowls

* Handbag and Slip On

* A set of perfume and toiletries

* Yummy fruits and berries in a crystal bowl

* A jar of chocolates in theme colors as requested

* A set of Quran and finely embroidered Telekung

* A set of clothing

* A set of embroidered towels (It had to be wrapped in to hide the colors as they were not in themed colors)

* A box for an edible hantaran